One of the services I provide for my patterns is pattern updates. There are several reasons why any of my patterns might need an update, but could be any of the following:

  • Adding a new translation

  • Updating an older template

  • Modifying the wording of the pattern itself to be consistent with newer patterns

  • Updating photos or other document design elements

  • Corrections

I will no longer be using Ravelry’s update feature for pattern updates because I believe customers do not understand they are signing up for it when they purchase a pattern from Ravelry, and there are no settings on Ravelry for members to opt-out or opt-in, to manage whether or not they receive this sort of feedback. Also, there was never a way I could offer these updates to customers who used my website instead of Ravelry.

Therefore, please subscribe below if you would like to receive update messages about any of my patterns. This will be the only way you will receive these types of notifications.

Side note: I will handle Crochet Alongs differently, so don’t worry about those. We’ll discuss those when they come up.

Subscribe to Pattern Updates *Only*

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